It Pays To Live and Work In Downtown St. Louis
Mansion House offers rewarding benefits to local business employees. If your employer is a participant of our Preferred Employer Program, you are eligible to receive great discounts when you choose to live at Mansion House. Let us welcome you home after a busy day at work with our exciting offers.
Fully qualified applicants of the Preferred Employer Program will receive a one-time credit in the second month of occupancy
- Credits will range from ½ off up to an entire month free, pending the lease term
- Waived application fee
- ½ off the security deposit
*Applicants taking the most extended option will receive one month; all others will receive ½ off.
Note: This is not an exhaustive list. If you do not see your employer, please contact the leasing office at 314-241-9700 to determine if your employer qualifies for the discount.